Occupation: Anthropologist Birth: June 5, 1887 Death: September 17, 1948
The psychological consequences of this spread of white culture have been out of all proportion to the materialistic. This world-wide cultural diffusi….
If we justify war, it is because all peoples always justify the traits of which they find themselves possessed, not because war will bear an objectiv….
... oh, I long to prove myself by writing! The best seems to die in me when I give it up. It is the self I love--not this efficient, philanthropic se….
So much of the trouble is because I am a woman. To me it seems a very terrible thing to be a woman. There is one crown which perhaps is worth it all-….
. . . work even when I'm satisfied with it is never my child I love nor my servant I've brought to heel. It's always busy work I do with my left hand….
Racism remains in the eyes of history ... merely another instance of the persecution of minorities for the advantage of those in power..
The heavier our bodies, the higher our will, our spirit, rises above them.' 'The wearier we are, the more splendid the training..
Virtue begins when we dedicate ourselves actively to the job of gratitude..
Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex.
Traditional Anglo-Saxon intolerance is a local and temporal culture trait like any other..
The trouble is not that we are never happy-it is that happiness is so episodical..
Western civilization, because of fortuitous historical circumstances, has spread itself more widely than any other local group that has so far been k….
The happiest excitement in life is to be convinced that one is fighting for all one is worth on behalf of some clearly seen and deeply felt good, and….
Culture, with its processes and functions, is a subject upon which we need all the enlightenment we can achieve, and there is no direction in which w….
Success and failure in our own national economy will hang upon the degree to which we are able to work with races and nations whose social order and ….
Most people are shaped to the form of their culture because of the enormous malleability of their original endowment. They are plastic to the mouldin….
In a day of footloose movements of people and of mixed marriages in the ancestry of the most desirable elements of the community we preach unabashed ….
Racism is the dogma that one ethnic group is condemned by nature to congenital inferiority and another group is destined to congenital superiority..
Our faith in the present dies out long before our faith in the future..
Racism is an ism to which everyone in the world today is exposed; for or against, we must take sides. And the history of the future will differ accor….
Man is not committed in detail by his biological constitution to any particular variety of behavior..