Occupation: Expert
Water is the basis of life and the blue arteries of the earth! Everything in the non-marine environment depends on freshwater to survive..
Pervasive depletion and overuse of water supplies, the high capital cost of new large water projects, rising pumping costs and worsening ecological d….
Today's water institutions-the policies and laws, government agencies and planning and engineering practices that shape patterns of water use-are ste….
For many of us, water simply flows from a faucet, and we think little about it beyond this point of contact. We have lost a sense of respect for the ….
Water is finite and we have not done a great job of managing it in the past..
We have been quick to assume rights to use water but slow to recognize obligations to preserve and protect it... In short, we need a water ethic-a gu….
Reforesting the earth is possible, given a human touch..