Occupation: Hip-Hop Artist Birth: January 10, 1979
Get a team of like-minded individuals around you. Understand this is hard work..
The Bible cares about the systems that create oppression. We see this in the Exodus all the way to Jesus' interactions with Zacchaeus and the prostit….
I grew up in a loving household that taught me how to respect others and love God..
I keep people around me that have the freedom to challenge my heart and motive..
I wanted to create an album that spoke all the musical languages I loved..
Keep compassion close to your chest at all times..
Everyone wants to be truth tellers today while never thinking we are the ones who need the truth told to us. It's quite amusing..
Power is intoxicating..
I keep my eyes and heart bent toward Jesus, therefore no human response can distract me from the Kingdom agenda..
We think everyone but us need the unadulterated truth..
I don't spend too much time attempting to defend myself against people who seem to have zero desire to have a substantive conversation..
The more I read the Scriptures I find an overwhelming case of Scriptures being concerned with the poor, outcast, widow, foreigner and marginalized..
I understood my personal responsibility in putting Christ on the cross and the implications of how the Gospel impacts every area of life. It informs ….
My mom used to get involved with the Black Panther activities in Los Angeles. For me it was more about how to view my consciousness on these issues w….
I pray daily for wisdom on how to serve my kids without words..
Make sure you don't become the very thing you find yourself fighting against..
You can be a dreamer, but don't live in your bed..
I wanted to create a story that would address America's history, successes, and problems while pointing to a hopeful resolution. I wanted it to be to….
I have two boys on the autism spectrum. I don't always know what's best for them. However, I know there is grace for me in this area. I know there ar….
Hip-hop, you're close to 50. When can we grow up?.
Joy and pleasure is at the end of the justice. A right understanding of who God is and who we are in His creation..