Birth: October 5, 1600 Death: February 23, 1680
We have the promise of God's being our God, and of the blessing by Christ for ourselves, as we are Abraham's seed, yet take the whole promise collect….
In public worship all should join. The little strings go to make up a concert, as well as the great..
The children of believing parents, at least their next and immediate seed, even of us Gentiles now under the gospel, are included by God within the c….
When God will have any great matters done, he sets his people's hearts to work at prayer by a kind of gracious instinct. He stirs them up and moves t….
Our prayers are granted as soon as we have prayed, even though the process of fulfilling our requests has not yet begun..
In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world..
And so Adam, in that his speech to Eve, uttered his faith in the promise made to her of her seed, and so in that respect Adam himself came in under h….
Being in Christ, and united to Him, is the fundamental constitution of a Christian..
The Indwelling of Christ by faithis to have Jesus Christ continually in one’s eye, a habitual sight of Him. I call it so because a man actually does ….
God works with power, and can make the unwilling willing; if He undertakes the conversion of a soul, it will be converted. All the pious workings of ….
Value God and his love more than all the world, though there were millions of them. He valued you before the world, and therefore is beforehand with ….
Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayers and won with thanks..
What a wonder is it, that two natures infinitely distant, should be more intimately united than anything in the world; and yet without any confusion!….
Christ's riches are unsearchable, and this doctrine of the gospel is the field this treasure is hidden in..
If I were to go to heaven, and find that Christ was not there, I would leave immediately; for heaven without Christ would be hell to me..
Oh despise not election! therein lies all your hope, that there is a remnant who shall infallibly be saved..
What is the cause of all God's purposes towards us? Himself. There is no other cause..
Moreover, as God respects no persons, so He respects no conditions upon which He gives salvation to us..
Glory in nothing, but only in this, that you are in Christ. For God chose you in him; the being you had was in him before the world was..
Judas heard all Christ's sermons..
The most thankful person is the most fully human..