Occupation: Philosopher Birth: August 13, 1953
Because present procedures by design favor the affluent, the poor are being increasingly marginalized. And because the poor are so marginalized, they….
Our global institutional arrangements - the basic ground rules that govern our world economy - are human-made. They don't exist naturally, nor are th….
America is run by the rich and powerful in their own interest. To an extent that I think is hard to exaggerate, the intellectuals - academics, journa….
Large companies are very good at solving extremely complex problems in a globally optimal way..
I think that many citizens understand how our system works, or rather, fails to work, for structural reasons. But who has the capacity and the incent….
Whatever we, as prospective participants unaware of our specific features, would desire society to be like is what, morally speaking, we ought to ins….
The massive corruption common in so many developing countries would be quite impossible if Western countries did not provide convenient opportunities….
We should not think of poverty eradication as a matter of collecting money and giving it to the poor so much as of reforming the global rules that ar….
It seems far-fetched, even preposterous, to blame the global economic order for the persistence of severe poverty in countries that are ruled by obvi….
You can get an ice-cold Coke for around fifty cents in most developing countries, not just in the major population centers, but at the most remote an….
The fact that oppressive and corrupt regimes can borrow money in the name of the whole country means that the country's future generations will be we….
Think of US slavery in 1850, or the subjection of women. Both of these injustices could have been - and were! - defended by pointing out, quite corre….
Large multinational corporations, often acting through their industry lobbies, exert a powerful influence on the formulation of domestic rules and on….
We live in a world where economic positions - income and wealth - are very unevenly distributed, and this leads to the widespread persistence of pove….
Domestic and supranational regulatory capture leads to two things: on the one hand, to an inequality spiral where the rich get richer because they ca….
Car prices play a large role in calculating PPPs even while they play no role whatsoever in the consumption or consumption needs of the poor. And the….
The Bank and the media continue to propagate the story that the global elite wishes to be told: that the number of poor has declined by 24 percent in….
The collective shortfall of the 3.08 billion people (47 percent of world population) who, in 2005, lived below $2.50 per day was $507 billion per ann….
Economists operate with this image of the homo economicus, the rational economic agent, and while such agents are rare in the wider world, they are c….
In order to prepare for meaningful change, we have to look at both sides of the problem. We need to examine the output of our political system, which….
Drafts of domestic legislation must be published, debated and publicly voted on, which gives ample opportunities to civil society organizations and o….