Occupation: Former Prime Minister Of The United Kingdom Birth: May 6, 1953
It is not an arrogant government that chooses priorities, it's an irresponsible government that fails to choose..
The only society that works today is also one founded on mutual respect, on a recognition that we have a responsibility collectively and individually….
Anywhere, anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same: freedom, not tyranny; democracy, not dictatorship; the rule….
September 11 was, and remains, above all an immense human tragedy. But September 11 also posed a momentous and deliberate challenge not just to Ameri….
There are people who are anxious about immigration for reasons that are perfectly sensible. They think it's uncontrolled. They think it's, therefore,….
I learnt a lot in government, and I've learnt a lot since leaving government. The kind of journey of being in government is that you start at your mo….
I believe Mrs. Thatcher's emphasis on enterprise was right..
You know, one of the things I've learnt since coming out of office is how much easier it is to give the advice than take the decision. I mean, you kn….
Human progress has never been shaped by commentators, complainers or cynics..
I hope that people know me well enough and realise that I would never do anything to harm the country or anything improper. I never have. I think mos….
The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes..
I'm not asking you to agree with me, but at least open your mind..
The class war is over..
Leaders lead but in the end it's the people who deliver..
Education is the best economic policy there is..
My teachers used to call me a failure.
I had discovered long ago the first lesson of political courage: to think anew. I had then learned the second: to be prepared to lead and to decide. ….
I want my son to grow up in a place where the people are more powerful than the government and not the other way around..
At the heart of my politics has always been the value of community, the belief that we are not merely individuals struggling in isolation from each o….
The first rule in politics is that there are no rules, at least not in the sense of inevitable defeats or inevitable victories. If you have the right….
One of the most important things in politics is you've got to keep your mind infinitely curious and alive to what is happening differently..