Occupation: Author Birth: 1951
So when I say that I think we would have a different ethical level, particularly in corporate America, if there were more women involved, I mean that….
It's not that I believe women are more ethical. I will say that one of women's greatest weaknesses is probably our greatest strength. We are incredib….
During the Q&A periods after my speeches, it is the men who say to me, "Help me understand how I am going to balance my work and my family." Now, let….
The best motivation for anyone-including employees-is to hear or see our name as often and in as many places as possible. Our name is the most potent….
Being smart young men, they say to themselves, "I want to get married, have a family, and I understand my wife wants to work too. Do you, Vicki, know….
Now, on the other hand, if we booted all the men out of corporate America, and we had all women there, quite honestly I think they'd be just as corru….
Those days are long gone. But our corporations haven't caught up with it. Our law firms, our higher education system, and our medical institutions ha….