Occupation: Poet Birth: 1970
I think I love humor in poetry, but not that slapstick cheap easy humor, but that uncomfortable, "did she say that out loud?" kind of humor..
We're all just a part of this large, spiraling, constantly fluid hierarchy and changing. At some points in your life, you feel crushed by that, depen….
I've read a lot more than most of the people that I know, except for one of my really close friends reads way more than I do..
I love being part of poetry conversations. I love talking about what I've read..
My life all-around is really different than a lot of other poets. Not poets that are parents, too, but just that I can hardly find anyone who works i….
I just didn't want any order in anything. I have to leave an ordered life for them - the kids - and my job. I have to be at my desk at a certain time….
As I published books, I realized, that's not really what I want. I don't care about the books as much anymore. I just want to write poetry..
I've always wanted editors that actually edited my poems..
I am always reading, always, and tons of things at once. I wouldn't say I'm a voracious reader, though. I never finish books that fast, because I'm a….
Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of the world, and other mornings I feel like crap..
I love when I meet generous poets, and generous meaning nice people, who give to the poetry community, who do interviews, read other people's books, ….
Most people are trying to go digital, and trying to do different things with poetry. McSweeney's is going in the opposite direction - going more clas….
My life in general, orderly or not, it allows me more freedom in my own writing. Sometimes I wonder, though - I have friends that sit around and just….
I question my own talent and ability to make creative work every single day..
There's an attraction to emotional clusters or hypocrisies or awkwardness. A desire to expose something or point at something that's already poking o….
I've always been intrigued with the male characters in novels like 'Pride and Prejudice' such as Mr. Darcy, and this poem is part of a series of poem….
I was sort of obsessed about corporate people committing suicide..
I'm a total bottoms-up kind of person. I like things to bubble up..
I can't help but go against the grain, I suppose it is in my fabric to be a rule-breaker..
I've always done things that were good for me, whether they were viewed as being as prestigious or whatever..
I think my way of being "funny" is just saying things that people think but have learned not to say, whereas, I haven't learned not to say them..