We don't want peace over freedom. We will choose freedom over peace. We will go on with our fight for self-determination and democracy. But if things….
The people in the West are supposed to believe that Bahrain is a country whose people live a life of peace, but we suffer under a regime that does no….
I want self-determination. If that means having a constitutional monarchy as the first step, fine. But, in the end, people in Bahrain should have the….
I am not proud of the King of Bahrain, in whose name people have been killed..
A dialogue sounds like a great idea, but we don't think the government actually wants one. The royal family lied in 2011 when they said they were rea….
I am Shiite and proud of it. But the green bracelet I am wearing on my right arm, and which identifies me as a Shiite, does not symbolize that I beli….
If someone is calling for democracy, he is calling for an end of a dictatorship and if this is the will of the people, this could also mean overthrow….
The government is not doing anything to help the country to heal. The government is just making cosmetic changes..
We will not keep silent, even if the Formula One is taking place. We will protest for human rights and freedom..