He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing.
Socrates said, "Those who want fewest things are nearest to the gods. - Diogenes Laertius
Socrates said, "Those who want fewest things are nearest to the gods.
- Diogenes Laertius
Bury me on my face," said Diogenes; and when he was asked why, he replied, "Because in a little while everything will be turned upside down. - Diogenes Laertius
Bury me on my face," said Diogenes; and when he was asked why, he replied, "Because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.
He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing. - Diogenes Laertius
Time is the image of eternity. - Diogenes Laertius
Time is the image of eternity.
Aristippus said that a wise man's country was the world. - Diogenes Laertius
Aristippus said that a wise man's country was the world.
A man once asked Diogenes what was the proper time for supper, and he made answer, "If you are a rich man, whenever you please; and if you are a poor… - Diogenes Laertius
A man once asked Diogenes what was the proper time for supper, and he made answer, "If you are a rich man, whenever you please; and if you are a poor…
When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, To know one's self. And what was easy, To advise another. - Diogenes Laertius
When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, To know one's self. And what was easy, To advise another.
Diogenes lighted a candle in the daytime, and went round saying, "I am looking for a man. - Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes lighted a candle in the daytime, and went round saying, "I am looking for a man.
Ignorance plays the chief part among men, and the multitude of words. - Diogenes Laertius
Ignorance plays the chief part among men, and the multitude of words.
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