In a bouquet of mixed roses, most people can distinguish at a glance the delicacy of a tea rose from the voluptuousness of a cabbage rose, but how many could so readily differentiate between the tea rose's scent of freshly harvested tea and the spicy, honeylike, rich floral scent of the cabbage?
As we begin to become aware of the narrative patterns around which we structure our lives, we learn how to take charge, revise, refine, and even comp… - Mandy Aftel
As we begin to become aware of the narrative patterns around which we structure our lives, we learn how to take charge, revise, refine, and even comp…
- Mandy Aftel
In a very real sense, we are the authors of our own lives. - Mandy Aftel
In a very real sense, we are the authors of our own lives.
In a bouquet of mixed roses, most people can distinguish at a glance the delicacy of a tea rose from the voluptuousness of a cabbage rose, but how ma… - Mandy Aftel
In a bouquet of mixed roses, most people can distinguish at a glance the delicacy of a tea rose from the voluptuousness of a cabbage rose, but how ma…
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