Of course, when Secretary-General is objective, he can play an important role in dealing with different officials in the United Nations in order to bring the policies of the different states - mainly Russia and the United States - toward more cooperation and more stability regarding Syria.
This is a short interpretation of the quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nisl mi, vestibulum quis ligula vel, feugiat finibus risus. Integer quam ligula, consectetur eget ante et, posuere laoreet erat.
This is a more detailed analysis of the quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nisl mi, vestibulum quis ligula vel, feugiat finibus risus. Integer quam ligula, consectetur eget ante et, posuere laoreet erat. Aenean sit amet erat sed elit consectetur tincidunt. Praesent sed quam placerat, egestas magna a, vestibulum nisi. Proin cursus elit lorem, in laoreet tellus tristique eu. Nunc vel tortor luctus, venenatis lectus sit amet, ultricies velit. Proin tincidunt hendrerit elit nec sagittis. Donec ut dictum risus.
Etiam sollicitudin magna vitae neque efficitur, in ullamcorper nibh tempus. Aenean laoreet facilisis ex sit amet vehicula. Vestibulum placerat velit in eleifend feugiat. Nullam vulputate sed odio vel vestibulum. Etiam pellentesque, arcu sed accumsan aliquet, risus neque interdum mauris, non vulputate nulla purus a est. Duis lacus metus, scelerisque ut justo vitae, dignissim ullamcorper massa. Duis tempor pharetra sagittis. Nam et aliquet metus.eet erat.
You can forge anything these days, and we're living in a fake news era.
The majority of fighters now are Al-Qaeda. If you want to support them, you are supporting Al-Qaeda, you are creating havoc in the region, and if this region is not stable, the whole world cannot be stable.
It's very simple ; once the Western countries stop supporting those terrorists and making pressure on their puppet countries and client states like Saudi Arabia and Turkey and others, you'll have no problem in Syria. It will be solved easily.
[The Jews] tried to kill the principles of all religions with the same mentality in which they betrayed Jesus Christ and the same way they tried to betray and kill the Prophet Muhammad.
Foreigners cannot bring freedom, cannot bring democracy, because this is related to the culture, to the different factors that affect or influence that society. You cannot bring it, you cannot import it.
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