The depressing thing about an Englishman's traditional love of animals is the dishonesty thereof ... Get a barbed hook into the upper lip of a salmon, drag him endlessly around the water until he loses his strength, pull him to the bank, hit him on the head with a stone, and you may well become fisherman of the year. Shoot.the salmon and you'll never be asked again.
Breakfast is a notoriously difficult meal to serve with a flourish. - Clement Freud
Breakfast is a notoriously difficult meal to serve with a flourish.
- Clement Freud
About one thing the Englishman has a particularly strict code. If a bird says Cluk bik bik bik bik and caw you may kill it, eat it or ask Fortnums to… - Clement Freud
About one thing the Englishman has a particularly strict code. If a bird says Cluk bik bik bik bik and caw you may kill it, eat it or ask Fortnums to…
I understand it is 13-8 against Egon Ronay publishing a Good Betting Shop Food Guide by 1997. - Clement Freud
I understand it is 13-8 against Egon Ronay publishing a Good Betting Shop Food Guide by 1997.
Wine buffs write and talk as though the food and wine will be in your mouth at the same time, that one is there to be poured over the other. This is… - Clement Freud
Wine buffs write and talk as though the food and wine will be in your mouth at the same time, that one is there to be poured over the other. This is…
Owning a racehorse is probably the most expensive way of getting on to a racecourse for nothing. - Clement Freud
Owning a racehorse is probably the most expensive way of getting on to a racecourse for nothing.
If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer. - Clement Freud
If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer.
If you mind losing more than you enjoy winning, don't bet. - Clement Freud
If you mind losing more than you enjoy winning, don't bet.
Congealed fat is pretty much the same, irrespective of the delicacy around which it is concealed. - Clement Freud
Congealed fat is pretty much the same, irrespective of the delicacy around which it is concealed.
If anyone tells me I'm fat, I say, - That's because every time I make love to your wife, she gives me a biscuit - Clement Freud
If anyone tells me I'm fat, I say, - That's because every time I make love to your wife, she gives me a biscuit
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