All events, no matter how earthshaking or bizarre, are diluted within moments of their occurrence the the continuance of the necessary routines of day-to-day. -Fitz Most prisons are of our own making. A man makes his own freedom, too. -Chade When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool, you end up sounding like a moron instead. -Burrich We left. Walking uphill and into the wind. That suddenly seemed a metaphor for my whole life. -Fitz
But a living is not a life. - Robin Hobb
But a living is not a life.
- Robin Hobb
Fitz fixes fyces fitz.Fatsafices. - Robin Hobb
Fitz fixes fyces fitz.Fatsafices.
Anticipating pain was like enduring it twice. Why not anticipate pleasure instead? - Robin Hobb
Anticipating pain was like enduring it twice. Why not anticipate pleasure instead?
Leave the pain behind and let your life be your own again. There is a place where all time is now, and the choices are simple and always your own. Wo… - Robin Hobb
Leave the pain behind and let your life be your own again. There is a place where all time is now, and the choices are simple and always your own. Wo…
Perhaps having the courage to find a better path is having the courage to risk making new mistakes. - Robin Hobb
Perhaps having the courage to find a better path is having the courage to risk making new mistakes.
I never confuse the cost of something with its value - Robin Hobb
I never confuse the cost of something with its value
Don’t do what you can’t undo, until you’ve considered what you can’t do once you’ve done it. - Robin Hobb
Don’t do what you can’t undo, until you’ve considered what you can’t do once you’ve done it.
Stop thinking of what you intend to do. Stop thinking of what you have just done. Then, stop thinking that you have stopped thinking of those things.… - Robin Hobb
Stop thinking of what you intend to do. Stop thinking of what you have just done. Then, stop thinking that you have stopped thinking of those things.…
Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that. And no less. - Robin Hobb
Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that. And no less.
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