It's hard to be done a favor by a man you hate. It's hard to hate him so much afterwards. Losing an enemy can be worse than losing a friend, if you've had him for long enough.
Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it. - Joe Abercrombie
Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it.
- Joe Abercrombie
That's what courage is. Taking your disappointments and your failures, your guilt and your shame, all the wounds received and inflicted, and sinking … - Joe Abercrombie
That's what courage is. Taking your disappointments and your failures, your guilt and your shame, all the wounds received and inflicted, and sinking …
What’s the difference? Fill a hundred pits with dead Northmen, congratulations, have a parade! Kill one man in the same uniform as you? A crime. A mu… - Joe Abercrombie
What’s the difference? Fill a hundred pits with dead Northmen, congratulations, have a parade! Kill one man in the same uniform as you? A crime. A mu…
Have a smile for breakfast, you'll be shitting joy by lunch. - Joe Abercrombie
Have a smile for breakfast, you'll be shitting joy by lunch.
Truly, life is the misery we endure between disappointments. - Joe Abercrombie
Truly, life is the misery we endure between disappointments.
Strange, how the best moments of our lives we scarcely notice except in looking back. - Joe Abercrombie
Strange, how the best moments of our lives we scarcely notice except in looking back.
You should laugh every moment you live, for you'll find it decidedly difficult afterwards. - Joe Abercrombie
You should laugh every moment you live, for you'll find it decidedly difficult afterwards.
Proof is boring. Proof is tiresome. Proof is an irrelevance. People would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth, especia… - Joe Abercrombie
Proof is boring. Proof is tiresome. Proof is an irrelevance. People would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth, especia…
I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn to stop making them. - Joe Abercrombie
I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn to stop making them.
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