Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all.
Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all. - Jeannette Walls
- Jeannette Walls
Most important thing in life is learning how to fall. - Jeannette Walls
Most important thing in life is learning how to fall.
One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by. - Jeannette Walls
One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by.
Things usually work out in the end." "What if they don't?" "That just means you haven't come to the end yet. - Jeannette Walls
Things usually work out in the end." "What if they don't?" "That just means you haven't come to the end yet.
I wanted to let the world know that no one had a perfect life, that even the people who seemed to have it all had their secrets. - Jeannette Walls
I wanted to let the world know that no one had a perfect life, that even the people who seemed to have it all had their secrets.
Life's too short to care about what other people think. Besides, they should accept us for who we are - Jeannette Walls
Life's too short to care about what other people think. Besides, they should accept us for who we are
People are like animals. Some are happiest penned in, some need to roam free. You go to recognize what's in her nature and accept it. - Jeannette Walls
People are like animals. Some are happiest penned in, some need to roam free. You go to recognize what's in her nature and accept it.
Nobody's perfect. We're all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels. - Jeannette Walls
Nobody's perfect. We're all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.
Horses were never wrong. They always did what they did for a reason, and it was up to you to figure it out. - Jeannette Walls
Horses were never wrong. They always did what they did for a reason, and it was up to you to figure it out.
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