Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other.
To become historically-minded is to be grown-up. - James Harvey Robinson
To become historically-minded is to be grown-up.
- James Harvey Robinson
We are incredibly heedless in the formation of our beliefs, but if someone tries to take them from us, we defend them with almost an illicit passion. - James Harvey Robinson
We are incredibly heedless in the formation of our beliefs, but if someone tries to take them from us, we defend them with almost an illicit passion.
Each of us is great insofar as we perceive and act on the infinite possibilities which lie undiscovered and unrecognized about us. - James Harvey Robinson
Each of us is great insofar as we perceive and act on the infinite possibilities which lie undiscovered and unrecognized about us.
Curiosity is idle only to those who fail to realize that it may be a very rare and indispensable thing. - James Harvey Robinson
Curiosity is idle only to those who fail to realize that it may be a very rare and indispensable thing.
Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other. - James Harvey Robinson
Speech gave man a unique power to lead a double life, he could say one thing and do another. - James Harvey Robinson
Speech gave man a unique power to lead a double life, he could say one thing and do another.
Political campaigns are designedly made into emotional orgies which endeavor to distract attention from the real issues involved, and they actually p… - James Harvey Robinson
Political campaigns are designedly made into emotional orgies which endeavor to distract attention from the real issues involved, and they actually p…
Few of us take the pains to study the origin of our cherished convictions. - James Harvey Robinson
Few of us take the pains to study the origin of our cherished convictions.
Mere lack of success does not discredit a method, for there are many things that determine and perpetuate our sanctified ways of doing things besides… - James Harvey Robinson
Mere lack of success does not discredit a method, for there are many things that determine and perpetuate our sanctified ways of doing things besides…
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