Past one o’clock. You must have gone to bed. The Milky Way streams silver through the night. I’m in no hurry; with lightning telegrams I have no cause to wake or trouble you. And, as they say, the incident is closed. Love’s boat has smashed against the daily grind. Now you and I are quits. Why bother then To balance mutual sorrows, pains, and hurts. Behold what quiet settles on the world. Night wraps the sky in tribute from the stars. In hours like these, one rises to address The ages, history, and all creation.
They stood brow to brow, brown to white, black to black, he supporting her elbows, she playing her limp light fingers over his collarbone, and how he… - Vladimir Mayakovsky
They stood brow to brow, brown to white, black to black, he supporting her elbows, she playing her limp light fingers over his collarbone, and how he…
- Vladimir Mayakovsky
Listen! If stars are lit It means there is someone who needs it, It means someone wants them to be, That someone deems those specks of spit Magnifice… - Vladimir Mayakovsky
Listen! If stars are lit It means there is someone who needs it, It means someone wants them to be, That someone deems those specks of spit Magnifice…
Too slow, the wagons of years, The oxen of days--too glum. Our god is the god of speed, Our heart--our battle-drum. - Vladimir Mayakovsky
Too slow, the wagons of years, The oxen of days--too glum. Our god is the god of speed, Our heart--our battle-drum.
I want to be understood by my country, but if I fail to be understood - what then?, I shall pass through my native land to one side, like a shower of… - Vladimir Mayakovsky
I want to be understood by my country, but if I fail to be understood - what then?, I shall pass through my native land to one side, like a shower of…
Art must not be concentrated in dead shrines called museums. lt must be spread everywhere – on the streets, in the trams, factories, workshops, and i… - Vladimir Mayakovsky
Art must not be concentrated in dead shrines called museums. lt must be spread everywhere – on the streets, in the trams, factories, workshops, and i…
But I, from poetry's skies, plunge into communism, because without it I feel no love. - Vladimir Mayakovsky
But I, from poetry's skies, plunge into communism, because without it I feel no love.
In the church of my heart the choir is on fire - Vladimir Mayakovsky
In the church of my heart the choir is on fire
The love boat has crashed against the everyday. - Vladimir Mayakovsky
The love boat has crashed against the everyday.
On the pavement of my trampled soul the steps of madmen weave the prints of rude crude words. - Vladimir Mayakovsky
On the pavement of my trampled soul the steps of madmen weave the prints of rude crude words.
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