The temptation to add features to a program must be resisted as strongly as possible. This requires the dedication of a saint
When I grew up music was something I did on the side - I played sports, I went to school - and so music was always there, and I was really fortunate … - Joe Armstrong
When I grew up music was something I did on the side - I played sports, I went to school - and so music was always there, and I was really fortunate …
- Joe Armstrong
The temptation to add features to a program must be resisted as strongly as possible. This requires the dedication of a saint - Joe Armstrong
I want to be as big as I can be. To me, being big is just playing in front of a lot of people. And that's my goal. - Joe Armstrong
I want to be as big as I can be. To me, being big is just playing in front of a lot of people. And that's my goal.
I have a feeling that any simple problem can be made arbitrarily difficult by imposing a suitably heavy administrative process around the development. - Joe Armstrong
I have a feeling that any simple problem can be made arbitrarily difficult by imposing a suitably heavy administrative process around the development.
Everyone should be able to go to a concert and enjoy music, and not feel like they're going to be harassed. That's how I see punk music. - Joe Armstrong
Everyone should be able to go to a concert and enjoy music, and not feel like they're going to be harassed. That's how I see punk music.
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