By about a week before the big day, you will have received less than half of your invitation response cards. Panic sets in when it occurs to you that everyone invited will actually show up. You couldn't have made it easier for your guests. You have included a card that had boxes for 'will attend' or 'will not attend.' You included a pre-addressed, stamped envelope. How inconvenient could it be for them simply to check it off and drop it in in a mailbox? Very inconvenient. You, evil bride-to-be, are confronting two basic human fears. A terror of correspondence and the dread of decision-making.
... the running shoe ... could be called the Swiss Army knife of footwear ... What appeal is there to a shoe whose only selling point is comfort? - Mimi Pond
... the running shoe ... could be called the Swiss Army knife of footwear ... What appeal is there to a shoe whose only selling point is comfort?
- Mimi Pond
Of all the wonderful things that men and women share, shoes, tragically, are not one of them. This is because men lack the shoe chromosome. - Mimi Pond
Of all the wonderful things that men and women share, shoes, tragically, are not one of them. This is because men lack the shoe chromosome.
What becomes of the broken-hearted? They buy shoes. - Mimi Pond
What becomes of the broken-hearted? They buy shoes.
Even if you're fat, one thing always fits: shoes. - Mimi Pond
Even if you're fat, one thing always fits: shoes.
Walking in high heels should be made an Olympic sport. - Mimi Pond
Walking in high heels should be made an Olympic sport.
Remember when you were eleven years old and you thought how great it would be to get your period? And then you got it? That's what planning a wedding… - Mimi Pond
Remember when you were eleven years old and you thought how great it would be to get your period? And then you got it? That's what planning a wedding…
Your wedding will not be what you think it is going to be, no matter what you think it is going to be. - Mimi Pond
Your wedding will not be what you think it is going to be, no matter what you think it is going to be.
It is tempting to think of your husband-to-be as just another bridal accessory. It may be easier for him to play along with this too. After all, you … - Mimi Pond
It is tempting to think of your husband-to-be as just another bridal accessory. It may be easier for him to play along with this too. After all, you …
Planning your own coming-of-age experience may wither you prematurely, but just think of it this way: If you can get through this, childbirth should … - Mimi Pond
Planning your own coming-of-age experience may wither you prematurely, but just think of it this way: If you can get through this, childbirth should …
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