Well, here's all you need to know. Classes, nothing before 11. Beer, its your best friend, you drink a lot of it. Women, you're a freshman, so its pretty much out of the question. Will you have a car? ... Someone on your hall will, find them and make friends with them on the first day.
You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?" - Jeremy Piven
You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?"
- Jeremy Piven
Well, here's all you need to know. Classes, nothing before 11. Beer, its your best friend, you drink a lot of it. Women, you're a freshman, so its pr… - Jeremy Piven
Well, here's all you need to know. Classes, nothing before 11. Beer, its your best friend, you drink a lot of it. Women, you're a freshman, so its pr…
People need to know you have to walk through that rejection, and it's only going to fuel you. If you can somehow look at it like it's a gift, you're … - Jeremy Piven
People need to know you have to walk through that rejection, and it's only going to fuel you. If you can somehow look at it like it's a gift, you're …
If masturbation is a crime then I should be on death row. - Jeremy Piven
If masturbation is a crime then I should be on death row.
What's this? You're wearing the shirt of the band you're going to see? Don't be that guy. - Jeremy Piven
What's this? You're wearing the shirt of the band you're going to see? Don't be that guy.
Sometimes - this is a tough one - not everyone can handle the truth. Sometimes you have to take a beat. But if you can take that beat, and take the h… - Jeremy Piven
Sometimes - this is a tough one - not everyone can handle the truth. Sometimes you have to take a beat. But if you can take that beat, and take the h…
If someone mistakes your kindness for weakness, that's their fault - not yours. And it's OK to be a decent human being in this life. - Jeremy Piven
If someone mistakes your kindness for weakness, that's their fault - not yours. And it's OK to be a decent human being in this life.
I'm just mystified and fascinated by women, and I'm still single. Hence all of that, and the fact that I celebrate them so much, I understand that I'… - Jeremy Piven
I'm just mystified and fascinated by women, and I'm still single. Hence all of that, and the fact that I celebrate them so much, I understand that I'…
I want to be radical on the inside, but not on the outside. - Jeremy Piven
I want to be radical on the inside, but not on the outside.
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