I endeavor to be wise when I cannot be merry, easy when I cannot be glad, content with what cannot be mended, and patient when there be no redress.
Any wife will save you from purgatory, and a diligent one will secure heaven to you. - Elizabeth Montagu
Any wife will save you from purgatory, and a diligent one will secure heaven to you.
- Elizabeth Montagu
The outrages of the powerful, the insolence of the rich, scorn of the proud, and malice of the uncharitable, all beating against the broken spirit of… - Elizabeth Montagu
The outrages of the powerful, the insolence of the rich, scorn of the proud, and malice of the uncharitable, all beating against the broken spirit of…
Among many reasons for being stupid it may be urged, it is being like other people, and living like one's neighbours, and indeed without it, it may b… - Elizabeth Montagu
Among many reasons for being stupid it may be urged, it is being like other people, and living like one's neighbours, and indeed without it, it may b…
I endeavor to drink deep of philosophy, and to be wise when I cannot be merry, easy when I cannot be glad, content with what cannot be mended, and pa… - Elizabeth Montagu
I endeavor to drink deep of philosophy, and to be wise when I cannot be merry, easy when I cannot be glad, content with what cannot be mended, and pa…
To judge therefore of Shakespeare by Aristotle's rule is like trying a man by the Laws of one Country who acted under those of another. - Elizabeth Montagu
To judge therefore of Shakespeare by Aristotle's rule is like trying a man by the Laws of one Country who acted under those of another.
Not to be miserable is all some people are capable of. - Elizabeth Montagu
Not to be miserable is all some people are capable of.
The only thing one can do one day one did not do the day before is to die. - Elizabeth Montagu
The only thing one can do one day one did not do the day before is to die.
I never invite idiots to my house. - Elizabeth Montagu
I never invite idiots to my house.
it is more to my personal happiness and advantage to indulge the love and admiration of excellence, than to cherish a secret envy of it. - Elizabeth Montagu
it is more to my personal happiness and advantage to indulge the love and admiration of excellence, than to cherish a secret envy of it.
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