Women who have power are always feared.
But we can't go back. We can only go forward. - Libba Bray
But we can't go back. We can only go forward.
- Libba Bray
The rules of magic, my dear, are best not discusses. For once we understand the illusion, we no longer believe it. - Libba Bray
The rules of magic, my dear, are best not discusses. For once we understand the illusion, we no longer believe it.
If this were a movie, I would bust a secret move so fierce the entire place would be razed to the ground. I'd finish with something snappy like "And … - Libba Bray
If this were a movie, I would bust a secret move so fierce the entire place would be razed to the ground. I'd finish with something snappy like "And …
Things aren't good or bad in and of themselves. It's what we do with them that makes them so. - Libba Bray
Things aren't good or bad in and of themselves. It's what we do with them that makes them so.
Women who have power are always feared. - Libba Bray
I know because I read. Might I suggest you try it? - Libba Bray
I know because I read. Might I suggest you try it?
There is never any turning back Gemma. You have to go forward. Make the future yours. - Libba Bray
There is never any turning back Gemma. You have to go forward. Make the future yours.
There are no safe choices. Only other choices. - Libba Bray
There are no safe choices. Only other choices.
The hand you hold the longest is your own. - Libba Bray
The hand you hold the longest is your own.
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