Michelle Obama - they don't call her Mooch-elle for nothing..
I'm surprised there aren't more celebrities in burkhas..
America was built on her citizens..
Most of us have more potential than we will ever develop. What holds us back is often a lack of courage..
Not that we were incompatible: we just had nothing to talk about..
Money equals freedom..
I had a system, and the system worked..
Be loved, be admired, be necessary; be somebody..
Nothing is 'just' anything with you.
So, it's good to be here, wherever I am..
Love more and openly..
Love emerges at the point of a lacking word, and one offers one's being to fill the lack..
In the beginning was the image..
You won't see Moonves on Twitter..
You don’t have to beg God; you just have to act upon His Word..
We all see only that which we are trained to see..
I am doing what I love to do..
Keep on doing what you're doing..
Fear attracts attack..
Love and say it with your life..
I'm not so weird to me..