But the adjectives change,” said Jimmy. “Nothing’s worse than last year’s adjectives..
It is amusing to detect character in the vocabulary of each person. The adjectives habitually used, like the inscriptions on a thermometer, indicate ….
Language rarely lies. It can reveal the insincerity of a writer's claims simply through a grating adjective or an inflated phrase. We come upon a fre….
When you start out on a project as an actor, you know, you approach the character from the standpoint of maybe writing a list - even if it's a mental….
Acting, to me, has been many things: It's a business, and it's a craft, and it's a political act - it's whatever adjective is most applicable..
I particularly loved the adjective bookish, which I found other people used about as often as ramrod or chum or teetotaler..
What I have in mind is that art may be bad, good or indifferent, but, whatever adjective is used, we must call it art, and bad art is still art in th….
Adjectives are the curse of America..
The adjective is the banana peel of the parts of speech..
Cliches and adjectives permeated my prose..
When we put words together - adjective with noun, noun with verb, verb with object - we start to talk to each other..
I think 'ambitious' is one of those adjectives used for women in a derogatory way..
Anything popular is populist, and populist is rarely a good adjective..
Normal" isn't an adjective you wish to hear after putting that much effort into making sure it was spectacular..
Christian is a great noun and a poor adjective.