I could never be James Bond..
Life begins when we decide it's going to begin for us..
That is the manner in which I roll..
I read, therefore I'm interested in writers..
Things explain each other, not themselves..
A place where we all go can't be bad..
I am unable to rule anything out..
Evie-you-GAH!" Lend shouted, and I looked up at him, surprised..
To learn that happiness is what brings success, and not the other.
I don't like being shouted at..
I love to be challenged because I'm wrong a lot of the times..
You get what you get when you get it..
We don't eat anything that has to be killed for us..
Go where youre celebrated - not just tolerated..
Do what you're afraid to do..
Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole..
God has always been the head of my life, even before I knew it..
You don't have to be afraid because we're all the same.
And yet, she knew she could be..
My Peace I leave with you.
I am a romantic, I admit it..