In the mid- to late '60s to the mid-'70s, when I was a student, there was a major change in the thinking about what art can be and how art is made..
When you start in movie business... It is a business, actually. Nothing to do with art. Picasso is art, and Giacometti, but film acting is no art. Ju….
Blessed be the inventor of photography! I set him above even the inventor of chloroform! It has given more positive pleasure to poor suffering humani….
The truth of literature and art has always been granted (if it was granted at all) as one of a "higher" order, which should not and indeed did not di….
But all categories of art, idealistic or realistic, surrealistic or constructivist (a new form of idealism) must satisfy a simple test (or they are i….
The truth of art lies in its power to break the monopoly of established reality to define what is real..
Intellect begins with the observation of nature, proceeds to memorize and classify the facts thus observed, and by logical deduction builds up that e….
Art is not and never has been subordinate to moral values. Moral values are social values; aesthetic values are human values. Morality seeks to restr….
Nothing right can be accomplished in art without enthusiasm..
Whatever you do, you're going to be criticized..
Art breaks open a dimension inaccessible to other experience, a dimension in which human beings, nature, and things no longer stand under the law of ….
IMBECILE!" the chef shouted. "Next time why don't you just put your whole HAND in the food, hey? Yes, your whole hand, or maybe your FACE! I arrange ….
A work of art can be called revolutionary if, by virtue of the aesthetic transformation, it represents, in the exemplary fate of individuals, the pre….
If mass communications blend together harmoniously, and often unnoticeably, art, politics, religion, and philosophy with commercials, they bring thes….
In general, modern art... has been inspired by a natural desire to chart the uncharted..
Hating the Yankees isn't part of my act. It is one of those exquisite times when life and art are in perfect conjunction..
An entertainment is something which distracts us or diverts us from the routine of daily life. It makes us for the time being forget our cares and wo….
Modern man has been in search of a new language of form to satisfy new longings and aspirations - longings for mental appeasement, aspirations to uni….
Art in its widest sense is the extension of the personality: a host of artificial limbs..
That is why I believe that art is so much more significant than either economics or philosophy. It is the direct measure of man's spiritual vision..
It does not seem that the contradiction which exists between the aristocratic function of art and the democratic structure of modern society can ever….