I don't regret at all saying that if I saw Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons on his people that that would change my assessments in terms of wha….
There is a lack of critical assessment of the past. But you have to understand that the current ruling elite is actually the old ruling elite. So the….
It's easier to see the mistake on someone else's paper..
The English language needs a word for that feeling you get when you badly need help, but there is no one you can call because you're not popular enou….
I will not comment on or confirm what are alleged to be stolen State Department cables. But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the discl….
Thinking rationally is often different from "positive thinking," in that it is a realistic assessment of the situation, with a view towards rectifyin….
Think of what happened after 9/11, the minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, a….
The use of online assessment tools is giving teachers a more fine-grained understanding of individual students' skills, and assisting them to determi….
I believe photography is a tool to express our positive assessment of the world. A tool to acquire ultimate happiness and belief..
Through sources, we have obtained the following alien assessment of the human species: The male wants to be valued for what he pretends to be. The fe….
On assessment: measure what you value instead of valuing only what you can measure..
To conclude this discussion, assessment of justice demands engagement with the 'eyes of mankind',first, because we may variously identify with the ot….
Few generals were as brilliant as Robert E. Lee and few battles as titanic -- and puzzling -- as Gettysburg. Why did Lee fail? In Lost Triumph, Tom C….
I was an embarrassment to the department when they did research assessment exercises. A message would go round the department: 'Please give a list of….
By positional play a master tries to prove and exploit true values, whereas by combinations he seeks to refute false values ... A combination produce….
According to the Office of Technology Assessment, 3 Minuteman missiles and 7 Poseidon missiles could destroy 73 percent of oil-refining capacity in t….
Old teachers never die, they just grade away..
A little flesh, a little breath, and a Reason to rule all - that is myself..
My assessment of Julian Assange is a professional one, really, of what he's managed to achieve, and the idea that he came up with, which set the worl….
One can give or withhold in a manner far more effective, sophisticated, useful, which is quite invisible to people who think that giving or withholdi….
If [Donald] Trump drags down a bunch of Senate Republicans, the post-election GOP assessment will be much more pessimistic..