Julian Jaynes's theories for the nature of self-awareness, introspection, and consciousness have replaced the assumption of their almost ethereal uni….
Before devising any blueprint that includes the assumption of Having It All, we need to ask ... Why do we need Everything?.
All work flows from some underlying assumptions, and the content of that faith can dramatically change our expectations for our work..
It is widely believed that interpersonal relationships of an intimate kind are the chief, if not the only, source of human happiness, yet the lives o….
The technical explanation is that the market-sensitive risk models used by thousands of market participants work on the assumption that each user is ….
The hardest assumption to challenge is the one you don't even know you are making..
But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise..
Compliments and flattery oftenest excite my contempt by the pretension they imply; for who is he that assumes to flatter me? To compliment often impl….