What you have to learn to do, you learn by doing..
No one can be perfectly happy till all are happy..
I'm never embarassed..
All women are sisters..
We're on tour for six months out of the year..
The future did not arrive..
Times are bad, God is good..
One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect at the same time..
There are no endings..
I know my sound when i hear it. My stroke is just my stroke..
Either one lives for politics or one lives off politics..
What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life..
Life isn't a science. We make it up as we go..
I discovered that the more I hustled, the luckier I seemed to get..
Necessity is the author of change..
No faith is our own that we have not arduously won..
Time is 'to make'. it is not 'to have'..
This depravation of our nature is nothing else but the blotting of God's image in us..
There's not a word in the Quran or the Hadith that requires that women cover their faces. To the contrary, the only requirement is that they uncover ….
Further up and further in!.
Happiness isn't wanting what you can get, but wanting what you have..