None of Us is as Good as All of Us..
Accentuaute the positives - medicate the negatives..
The more music you love, the happier you will be..
All change begins with someone having a thought..
For my second match it's pretty good..
Socialists are Liberals in a hurry..
In business for yourself, but not by yourself..
All religions do not point to God.
I always knew I would adopt. Always..
The rottenness comes from within..
I buy whatever I see, but I tend to not spend money just to spend it..
I like to do something I fear..
I do keep pre-occupied..
We are what we wear, we wear what we are.
I'm a very conceptual writer..
Everything is imprinted for ever with what it once was..
Life was a pre-death experience..
It doesn't have to be like that but mostly it is..
I'm German, after all..
I'm structured with time..
I do like to be surprised..