Discover what you don't like doing and stop doing it..
Do less than you ever thought it was possible to do..
I don't buy stocks, I make stocks..
You must base the Wisdom on Love..
Love. Resoundingly and absolutely..
We actors don't travel as tourists with a camera, we really get to enter the life of a place and get to know it..
To become historically-minded is to be grown-up..
When I got depressed, I watched Bruce Lee movies. I learned everything from Bruce Lee..
I'm good for some things, bad for a lot of things..
We all need a meaning to our life..
Aure entuluva! day shall come again!.
You narrow hope when you define it..
Everything is overflowing with Gods..
You can only control what you can control..
You can't get it right, until you make it wrong..
One reads alone, even in another's presence..
We're always hardest on our own work, I guess..
But no one can ever say I didn’t sing..
You must learn to see, what you are looking at.
It's OK to not be OK - just don't stay there..
Let's do what we love and do a lot of it..