The question is, when so many others cut corners, shave the truth, self-deal, believe in the fast buck, and follow the crowd along the low road of le….
We could have chopped down the sycamore with this..
When they [young people] believe they are the difference! That their voice matters and to use the incredible power each one of them has. I work with ….
Conservatives tend to believe there is a close and necessary connection between prosperity and freedom - that economic freedom is an essential part o….
I believe that young people are looking for answers to the big questions just like everyone else, and that they respect intelligent comment to help g….
Behold your world! The judgments you believe just created it..
I'm pro-life but I believe that the federal government ought to stay out of it. That's a decision that the people of each state ought to make for the….
The greatest power God gave us is the power to choose. We have the opportunity to choose whether we're going to act or procrastinate, believe or doub….
I tell women not to believe everything they read about fashion..
I'm not defined by where I came from. I never took part in the rules and hatred that sometimes go along with religion. But if my parents are happy wi….
I think I have made an impact in the workplace and I do believe that will prevail over any of the other things in the end..
That's all global warming ever was. For the scientists involved in it, it was a living. You go out and promote what the leftists wanted to hear, and ….
I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe's intricate laws manifest what s….
Let us set our goals too high; let us demand more of ourselves than we believe we possess.
I believe when women succeed America succeeds!.
I don't believe in marriage. It's bloody impractical. 'To love, honor, and obey.' If it weren't, you wouldn't have to sign a contract..
I don't know if I believe in luck. I think I'm very fortunate..
What will come, will come; you just have to be there to meet it..
Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good..
He gave everything to everybody. Except to me..
I stray away from formulaic, the formatted..