When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy.
When you love, deeply love another human being, really deeply, somewhere you will feel that you are still alone, and this very beloved human being ha….
landscape, that vast still life, invites description, not narration. It is lyric. It has no story: it is the beloved, and asks only to be contemplate….
Here's to the health of my beloved Critias !.
Beloved King of Comedy..
I dont feel like my job is to be beloved..
He that is purified by love is pure; and he that is absorbed in the Beloved and hath abandoned all else is a Sufi.Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah..
The true subject of poetry is the loss of the beloved..
Beloved are Israel, for they were called children of the All-present..
Beloved is man, for he was created in the image of God..
For what the lover would, that would the beloved; what she would ask of him that should he go before to grant. Without accord such as this, love is b….
Beloved," said the Glorious One, "unless thy desire had been for me thou wouldst not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly s….
The promise, made when I am in love, to be true to the beloved as long as I live, commits me to being true even if I cease to be in love..
And this is the marvel of marvels; that he called me Beloved..
He touched her as he usually touched his beloved violin, with a soft and urgent grace that left her breathless..
The Real Beloved is that one who is Unique, who is your Beginning and your End..
Sit by me, my beloved, and listen to my heart; smile, for your happiness is a symbol of our future..
Death has his favorites, like anyone. Those who are beloved of Death will not die..
I have been wandering to find him and my happiness is so great that it even weakens me like a wound. And this is the marvel of marvels, that he calle….
Open your arms if you want the Beloved's embrace..
I came to this earth so that I could find my way back to my Beloved..