Those humble but indomitable workers, to whom later generations referred by the collective name of Baale Masorah, Masters of Tradition, performed in ….
Let’s state it clearly: One great idea of the biblical revelation is that God is manifest in the ordinary, in the actual, in the daily, in the now, i….
It could plausibly be argued that far from Christian theology having hampered the study of nature for fifteen hundred years, it was Greek corruptions….
It is costly wisdom that is brought by experience..
We don't choose what's going to wake us up..
Forgiveness frees the forgiver..
You have to live a life to become a writer..
Eventually, I think, by using such elements as flocks of birds or biblical quotes, repeatedly I add meaning to my final product. I'm still exploring ….
The church must seek to be biblical rather than relevant. We are not going to leave a mark upon our culture because we have studied its ways and adap….
Being fly is something that I consider myself. I would love to be at some point..
No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong..
A lot of the bunkering is designed more to save you than it is to penalize you..
Death hastens those who hasten death..
I didn't take a single business class. I learned on the job..
If God is omnipotent and omniscient, why didn't he start the universe out in the first place so it would come out the way he wants? Why's he constant….
I don't pull, I just receive..
I think this is irresponsible preaching and very dangerous, and especially when it is slanted toward children, I think it's totally irresponsible, be….
Your love should be so far reaching, earnest, biblical, Christ-centered, pure, and self-sacrificing that the world may hate you for it..
The biblical method of change begins in the heart of man with the Gospel. It transforms the mind of man and gradually works its way out. And it build….
The church as a whole has strayed quite far from biblical evangelism; that is, sharing the Gospel in the way that Jesus did, the way the Apostle Paul….
The reason you don't like the Bible, you old sinner, is because it knows all about you..