Biblical references about knowledge and good and evil often get tangled up..
Well, to be clear, I am a scholar of religions with four degrees, including one in the New Testament and fluency in Biblical Greek who has been study….
In the history of the prophetic biblical canon that starts with Genesis, the Koran is by far the most tolerant of the views of other religions..
While many have doubted the accuracy of the Bible, time and continued research have consistently demonstrated that the Word of God is better informed….
In Judaism, there are 613 biblical commandments, and the Talmud says that the chief commandment of all is study..
But I should be very sorry if an interpretation founded on a most conjectural scientific hypothesis were to get fastened to the text in Genesis... Th….
Now we're living in a nuclear age, and the science that was supposed to be automatically for human welfare has become a nuclear - a science that give….
One of the greatest failures of our generation is not living out the biblical precepts which we so clearly articulate..
The Louvre! The Louvre has me in its clutches. Every time I'm there rich blessings rain down upon me. I am coming to understand Titian more and more ….
The Biblical world-view is the only one that accepts the reality of evil and suffering while giving both the cause and the purpose, while offering Go….
The problem is, even when we preach the Gospel correctly, then we go to this thing on how to invite men and it's not biblical or historical. We get ….
Is it our task to force the biblical doctrine of God to answer to modern culture, or (is it our task) to address modern culture with the biblical doc….
The Declaration of Independence summarizes the civic principles of American life. It agrees with this biblical perspective when it affirms that we ar….
Cross-cultural reality testing forces people to examine both their own and others' understandings of reality. Most people simply assume that the way….
To mend our own relationship with God, regaining God's favor after having once lost it, is beyond the power of any one of us. And one must see and bo….
I am seventy years old, a gray age weighted with uncompromising biblical allusions. It ought to have a gray outlook, but it hasn't, because a glint o….
The wearing of fabric head coverings in worship was universally the practice of Christian women until the twentieth century. What happened? Did we su….
Fear in the biblical sense... includes being afraid of someone, but it extends to holding someone in awe, being controlled or mastered by people, wor….
Christian morality, laws rooted in the secular humanist belief that all consensual sexual acts are morally equal. That belief is anti-biblical and am….
Perhaps what is really being proposed by the Evangelical fundamentalists is a return not to the 1950s family but to the family of biblical days. The ….
The biblical authors wrote of God's sovereignty over His world, and of man's experiences within that world, using such modes of speech about the natu….