I'm a wuss - a complete wuss!.
That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially..
I like to do something I fear..
Don’t do it. Don’t love me..
Everybody comes from somewhere..
I am actually nondenominational..
Words reproduce themselves pleasurably too..
Musicians have to do what they do and express it musically. All the blah blah blah will get lost in the dialogue..
I've always considered myself a writer..
What you create for you, no one can take from you..
Every decoding is another encoding..
You can count on Errol Flynn, he'll always let you down..
I'm wholehearted about whatever I do..
When you are aggrieved you learn..
I kinda live where I find myself..
A change imposed is a change opposed..
To be a good actor you really have to want to act first..
[I'm] more German than Irish..
Straight ahead you can't go very far..
There is no such thing as away. When you throw something away, it must go somewhere..
I rather like the idea of defying death..