As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggl….
Under the benignant providence of Almighty God the representatives of the States and of the people are again brought together to deliberate for the p….
The Spirit of the Lord says that God is placing a crown of manifestation on the heads of His faithful, diligent, chosen saints - a crown of great fav….
the more you live the more things reflect all around you!!!!.
Some places, because of their spiritual history, are noted to be locations where people will often experience an open heaven. In fact, there are plac….
simply to ask a blessing upon one's circumstances, whatever they are, is somehow to improve them, and to tap some mysterious source of energy and joy..
Never mind what makes Canadas constitution so special. Probably something to do with hockey, or the inalienable right to poutine, or securing the ble….
Only Jesus would be crazy enough to suggest that if you want to become the greatest, you should become the least. Only Jesus would declare God's bles….
I'm a professional food eater..
Rise up Black Men, and take your stand. Reach up black men and women and pull all nature’s knowledge to you. Turn ye around and make a conquest of ev….
When reflecting upon it today, that the Pearl Harbor attack should have succeeded in achieving surprise seems a blessing from Heaven. It was clear th….
There are no more liberals Theyve all been mugged..
We should ask ourselves: What are the Brethren saying? The living prophets can open the visions of eternity; they give counsel on how to overcome the….
There is never only ONE of anything in nature..
I have not been recognized..
Amateurs do things 'till they get it right. Pros do it 'till they can't get it wrong..
Your mind creates everything. Your conscious mind has much greater power than you can ever imagine. Your mind can create blessings or disasters, can ….
When there's nothing to do, you do nothing slowly and intently..
The original deal we made was that Walker would be treated like a regular movie, rather than an arthouse thing..
I'm so blessed to be able to work with some of the best writers out there, and it's kind of like college with me sitting in a room with some of the b….
I am content; that is a blessing greater than riches; and he to whom that is given need ask no more..