It wasn't that I had gotten it right . . . but that I had gotten true..
Some things that are true are not very useful..
I'm so uncoordinated..
With Blue here, he was beginning to feel as if possibly he'd overdone it with the helicopter. He wondered if it would make Blue feel better or worse ….
I'm not recognised much at all..
I saw in a blue haze all the world poured flat and pale between the mountains.
Blue eyes wash off sometimes..
I wanted to finish my career as a Steeler. I felt I just fit the mold as far as a blue-collar guy. I may not be the flashiest, most flamboyant wide r….
Paul's last words to Linda: "You're up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It's a fine spring day. We're riding through the woods. The bluebells a….
There are things in American culture that want to wipe the class distinction. Blue jeans. Ready-made clothes. Coca-Cola..
For me, experimenting involves traditionalism..
Life's the longest picture you're ever gonna take..
I do have a ridiculously high hedonic set-point.
Where's our Paul Newmans? Where's our Robert Redfords? We've got Jason Statham, who is great... blue collar and cool, which is fantastic. And we've g….
Im in love with red. I think its such a passionate color. Every flag of every country pretty much has red it it. Its power, theres no fence sitting w….
As strange as it may sound, our experience of a Chagall painting actually depends to some extent on whether our language has a word for blue..
I've seen some glaciers in the world which have been, which are just turquoise blue blue glaciers up in the Arctic. It's tragic to think that because….
I hold a vision of this blue green planet, safe and in balance. At the end of the Fossil Fuel Era, we are emerging to a new reality. We are ready to ….
It is hard to play Blue Suede Shoes. I know everyone has heard it 10 million times, and that makes it even harder to play it, but there's a very laid….
Maybe when I stop making movies, I'll understand my work better..
Encountering rhyme out of the blue is like finding a long-lost twin (fraternal), or a suitcase that closes with a particularly satisfying click..