Sensibility cannot be acquired; people are born thus, or they have it not..
Bryan Lee O'Malley has been alive since he was born and will lives until he dies..
Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born..
I realised all the good ideas were taken before I was even born..
True Yankees are born, not made..
But always I regarded myself as one who was born in Jerusalem..
For souls nobly born, valor doesn't await the passing of years.
But as a German - and I am German-born - we Germans are condemned once again to be radical revisionists..
An artist who has no faith is like a painter who was born blind..
Those who 'cursed the day they were born' must have been infant prodigies..
Art should be born from the materials..
Be the artist you were born to be..
My life failed on the very day I was born..
Art is born out of an ill-designed world..
You are born modern, you do not become so..
I know I was born and I know that I'll die... The in between is mine. I Am Mine.
I always felt like I was born in the wrong time period. I felt like I should've been born in the mid-to-late '40s..
We were all born on days when too many people died in terrible ways, but you still have to call it a birthday..
No one's born with their destiny stamped on their forehead ... we make the choices to fulfill our destiny..
When Reason died, then Wisdom was born..
I was born in a University campus and seem to have lived all my life in one campus or another..