I serve society by rocking!.
Anytime you’re on the podium, it’s good..
I am not God but something similar.
The English, the English, The English are best: So Up with the English and Down with the Rest!.
I cannot get close to any you..
I am here wrongfully convicted and wrongfully sentenced..
What appears is good; what is good appears..
We do have the power to save one another....
I'm the only thing I'll ever hold against you..
When I was younger, I really struggled with confidence..
Nothing we did in those days has caused a change." "Because of what we did, things remained as they were, rather than getting worse," I told him..
happy all life for ever.
All I have to do is find someone who has something to say that will enrich my life and they can't get rid of me..
We only kill each other.
Forward, always forward, everywhere forward..
When there is nothing to fear is the time to begin fearing everything..
We are generally punished by where we have sinned..
Do not be astonished at anything, even happiness..
I get recognized a lot now. It's great..
When God decides its time, I guess he'll come for us..
Napoleon is dead - but Beethoven lives..