Only the solitary seek the truth, and they break with all those who don't love it sufficiently.
I just wrapped this movie called The Wedding Crashers which was a pretty big break for me..
It isn't up to me to break his heart; that's time's job..
How can the Republicans get away with picking their Dennis Kucinich, but when - if the Democrats tried it, all hell would break lose?.
It's painful and it's messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again..
There are lots of actors out there who are hugely, hugely talented and haven't got the breaks I've had..
People who know how to creatively break the rules also know why the rules were there in the first place..
Radio helps DJs break into a whole different audience. Radio has so much power. And that's my mission: to not only break into the EDM audience, but t….
In diplomacy, like in great many other things, the rules of engagement survive only until one remarkable person decides to break them..
As we keep or break the Sabbath Day we nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope by which man rises..
I like emotions, but I really don't like sentimentality, and I don't like when things break their spell..
The shackles of belief, when reinforced by fear, are difficult to break free from and rarely done..
As a working mum, it's really hard to find time in the day to just relax and take a break. I am constantly on the go..
What I always say is that Japanese are like willow. We can be bent easily, but once you try to break us, it would not be so easy..
I get hired by companies to hack into their systems and break into their physical facilities to find security holes. Our success rate is 100%; we've ….
Never break the neutrality of a port or place, but never consider as neutral any place from whence an attack is allowed to be made..
Suddenly I realize That if I stepped out of my body I would break Into blossom..
If you work all the time, you lose the intermittence of reflection and thought at every stage. Take breaks - for you and your work..
Trust is a fragile thing - difficult to build, easy to break. It cannot be bargained for. Only if it is freely given it can be expected in return.
There are no rules, but you break them at your peril..
Life is a spell so exquisite that everything conspires to break it..