My husband and I both have our bucket lists. Running a marathon was on mine..
If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket you can take away a bucketful..
My bucket list is pretty much checked off. But oh, we should play in space! Let's do that. We'll play in space, up on a satellite somewhere..
Many times during auditions, I was told that I couldn't carry a note with a bucket, and that I sure couldn't play the piano..
First of all, if it's on your mind, your mind isn't clear. Anything you consider unfinished in any way must be captured in a trusted system outside y….
THE ABANDONED VALLEY Can you understand being alone so long you would go out in the middle of the night and put a bucket into the well so you could f….
I cleaned up my act because otherwise I would have kicked the bucket..
No, death hadn't changed [Willie] much. But just in case, I avoided looking directly into his eyes. It was standard policy for dealing with vampires.….
Putting all of my time In learning to care And a bucket of rhymes I threw up somewhere Want a locket of who Made me lose my perfunctory view Of all t….
There is a fountain inside you. Don't walk around with an empty bucket..
Affection can no more spoil a child than the sun could be put out by a bucket of gasoline..
Suppose God wants to teach you to say, "I know how to be abased"--are you ready to be offered up like that? Are you ready to be not so much as a drop….
I don't know if this is too weird to say, but this is completely surreal for me. Bizarre. The cover of 'Teen Vogue' has been on my bucket list foreve….