You owe it to everyone you love to find pockets of tranquility in your busy world..
Success doesn't have a downside for me. I'm busy, but I've always been busy whatever job I've had. My very first job working in a furniture factory w….
I don't over-think my existence. I'm a very imperfect person, like most of us are. I'm also a very busy person. I have a family. I have a career. I'm….
We often become mentally and spiritually barren because we're so busy..
I am very busy and don't have a lot of down time, but I write my best songs in those situations. I enjoy my life the most when I have a bunch of thin….
It's a luxury to have so much time, especially with someone so important and busy. You have to get a feel for the person..
The poor are too busy working to need justice..
Don't work. Avoid telling the truth. Be hated. Love someone. You're going to have a busy life. Thank goodness there's no life expectancy..
Whoever admits that he is too busy to improve his methods, has acknowledged himself to be at the end of his rope. And that is always the saddest pred….
Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them..
Someone who says "I am busy" is either declaring incompetence (and lack of control of his life) or trying to get rid of you..
You cannot hear opportunities knocking if you are busy knocking opportunities..
Otherwise, as Dylan says, if you're not busy being born, you're busy dying..
I farm a little plot of things to say, with not much frontage on the busy road..
Every actor wants more offers, but I get enough and I do like to be busy..
Some people are so busy in learning the tricks of the trade that they never learn the trade..
With two kids. It's always too busy..
I dont usually have dreams. I'm to busy sleeping to dream..
The only time anyone's admitted they were a Christian before was when they were busy telling me why they're better than me..
Fitness is a luxury when you are busy!.
My favorite programming languages are Lisp and C. However, since around 1992 I have worked mainly on free software activism, which means I am too bus….