I was afraid that my success would be dependent partially upon my body, and it's true I can't be 20 pounds heavier and play the leading lady. But I'm….
just let Mitch be Mitch.
There's always more to see..
We don't say nothing more. What else is there to say? Everything and nothing. You can't say everything, so you don't say nothing..
I outlived the bastards..
Nobody who lived through the '50s thought the '60s could've existed. So there's always hope..
No one can live with nothing..
I don't like dudes. Not even for 1 second..
Leadership must be demonstrated, not announced..
Some sorts of truth are truer than others..
I don't take things off. I either check things off or I add things..
Learn always but never appear to be learning..
You must never be afraid to go there..
Do something: You can always correct something but you can never correct nothing..
Love emerges at the point of a lacking word, and one offers one's being to fill the lack..
All change begins with someone having a thought..
Movies were much better in the days when I was doing them..
Something that cannot be explained cannot be seen..
I'm not tortured and neurasthenic - I'm really not..
We read to find ourselves, more fully and more strangely than otherwise we could hope to find..
I've only been an asshole to assholes!.