According to the California Hospital Association, health care for illegal aliens is costing state taxpayers well over $1 billion a year. Eighty-four ….
It is puzzling why anyone would want to (become governor of California). It's like vying to become Roseanne Barr's next husband. Sure you'd get your ….
In California, we are a sixty percent Hispanic state, we elected an Austrian governor. Even old Nazis are going "That's weird.".
If you stay in Beverly Hills too long, you become a Mercedes..
But lots of emerging racial tensions in California have nothing to do with whites: Filipinos and Samoans are fighting it out in San Francisco high sc….
The way they dress here (California), your head is always in the stands. All those bikinis, your eyes get tired..
It shone on everyone, whether they had a contract or not. The most democratic thing I'd ever seen, that California sunshine..
I graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with an English literature degree and travelled for a year before going to work..
I always made a living as an actor when I came to California. I never had to do anything else..
What does a Californian make for dinner? Reservations..
Governor Gray Davis has asked the California state Supreme Court to delay the October recall vote because he says that's not enough time to put on a ….
The underground is not a place but a way of life. You can be underground most anywhere, from the Upper West Side of Manhattan to Hermosa Beach, Calif….
The minority who actually loves its work seems to be made up chiefly of the writers, dancers, actors and other artists, most scientists above the tec….
'Christopher Walken' is my "Hotel California," but I've done it so much.
The smack of California earth shall linger on the palate of your grandson..
I would hope that people would feel that they achieved a greater opportunity in life living here in California than they had prior to when we came in….
Another California study counted 30,000 substance abusers who are pregnant are White woman. So, The Wire paints the picture of drug addiction, drug d….
I came to the US as an immigrant and I recall vividly those first few years in California, the brief time we spent on welfare, and the difficult task….
These French-style caramels are handmade in California. It's always hard to give them away!.
As you may or may not know, in keeping with the high-class tone of Beverly Hills, our police force is probably the most snobbish group of gendarmes i….
It's very personal in California to live within hours, and sometimes just a few miles, of earthquake faults when nuclear plants were being built..