this is the upside of already being eternally damned.
I am nothing, and not even that..
I know what I want! And I just go for it..
He is truly great in who hath power over himself..
Appear as you are, or be as you appear..
Some things go slow, slow, slow, and then - wham! - they're over..
Life's managed, not cured..
Perhaps... you love too fiercely..
The future belongs to the free..
La pereza anda tan despacio que la pobreza no tarda en alcanzarla..
The rule that covers everything is: how you are with others, expect that back..
We can defer, yet time is most certainly not..
Happiness is the only thing I understand..
I do my best to love everybody.
Leave that which is not, but appears to be. Seek that which is, but is not apparent..
Whatever purifies you is the correct road..
Smiles come best from those who weep..
Now I am almost entirely love..
God is always at work around you..
Europeans are quarrelsome..
Ultimately, leadership is more about 'being' than 'doing.'.