There was so much that you could do, instead of looking for things that you couldn't do..
That Bible is read best, which is practised most..
You must never be afraid to go there..
There are photographic fanatics, just as there are religious fanatics. They buy a so-called candid camera there is no such thing: it’s the photograph….
Those we call the ancients were really new in everything..
Women don't have an expiration date..
The business of business is business..
What God originates, God orchestrates..
I don't use a crap camera, I don't eat junk, and I'm not going to a dance where the boys are bores.
Life can't be cured, but it can be managed..
You have to learn to work and search, not expect instantly to find..
I have never painted a recent picture..
Misbehave more beautifully; more often..
Things are going to happen whether you are there or not, you still need someone to push the button on the camera and get it and know it's going to wo….
We're in a psuedoscientific technobabble..
I liked being challenged by music. It's good for me..
We had no domestic attacks under Bush..
I tend to be really competitive when it comes to Scattergories..
I like to wear things, I don't like things to wear me..
Either is both, and Both is neither..
I got to be Jim Morrison a lot longer than he did..