I am certainly a liberal..
Whatever is contained must be released..
Knowledge come from looking around; wisdom comes from looking up..
I am more than what they say I am..
Live close, visit often..
I got work to do. I got a lot of work to do within myself..
You are much happier when you are happy than when you ain't..
Life isn't about what you get, it's about what you DO with what you get..
There was never anything that did not proceed from a thought..
Nothing is invented and perfected at the same time..
The more you invest in your happiness, the more happiness will invest in you..
You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself..
You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere..
The more you have to talk yourself into it, the more it’s not ‘it’..
It's how you live that really counts.
Daniel Ellsberg showed tremendous courage back in the 70s..
I live, which is the main point..
I do not belong to any religion. Everything is between God and myself..
Life isn't what it's like in the movies..
I get sidetracked very easily..
If you cast your supporting cast well, it should be seamless. You shouldn't even notice who's a big part and who's a small part. A good cast enriches….