The Catholic Church [with Pope John Paul II] has lost its shepherd. The world has lost a champion of human freedom..
Catholic and Jew - it's very closely related, a lot of holidays, a lot of guilt, a lot of the same things going on..
This is not even Bill Clinton's Democrat Party, anymore. This party, the Democrat Party of today, is so off the rails and so radical that Christians ….
They're after one world religion and one world government. That's why they've attacked the Catholic Church so strongly, to ultimately take control ov….
Protestants do not very often disagree with what Catholics believe, but they do very often disagree with what they think Catholics believe..
I was born and raised Catholic..
When Catholicism goes bad it becomes the world-old, world-wide religio of amulets and holy places and priestcraft. Protestantism,in its corresponding….
If I were a Catholic, I'd be asking what's going on here. I really would. "The pope also broke with his predecessors by suggesting that Catholic lawm….
It didn't matter if it was the Catholic Church or Episcopal Church or Presbyterian Church and it still doesn't today. I just like the tradition of ha….
In the Eucharist, the Son of God comes to meet us and desires to become one with us; eucharistic adoration is simply the natural consequence of the e….
Now Pope Francis on his overnight flight back to Italy explains how contraception can be justified. This is the pope, the Vicar of Christ, the Cathol….
The Catholic Church is not dead, it is not even tired!.
I was brought up a Catholic, so I suppose I have to believe in the goodness of human beings. I think we're not so bad after all..
I've been around so long, I can remember when it was a rhetorical question to ask, "Is the pope Catholic?" Now it's a legit question..
Yes, I'm Catholic; I'm proud of it. But I had lots of Protestant friends..
It is a dogma of the Roman Church that the existence of God can be proved by natural reason. Now this dogma would make it impossible for me to be a R….
Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage..
The cultural contrast I saw between religions... Catholics have a lot of mediators, going through saints and Mary or whatever. Protestants in general….
I don't call myself a writer..
I was born in Paris in 1950. I had a strict upper-class Catholic education but I never really fitted in the system and revolted against it quite earl….
I learn a lot; what I learn cannot be expressed in words..